

I dare to hold my motorcycle with strength and new courage!

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Training dream
To ride the Hochalpinstrasse with my motorcycle - just like in my youth!
It is an incredible feeling to accelerate the bike and have this feeling of sanctity. With the beginning of my osteoporosis and the severe shoulder pain, the fear of driving started. It requires a lot of strength to hold the weight of a motorcycle and every slip can become life-threatening. I started to strengthen my whole body at the Trinicum and from week to week I felt more confident to hold the machine again. Thanks to the therapists` tips to train with vibration and impact, my bone growth is already detectable. The next step is to increase my physical condition.

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Training plan


Neck and back pain
Shoulder pain


Flat back thoracic spine

Trinicum Objectives

Strengthen the bone structure through pressure
Body stability training and posture correction for sitting on the motorcycle
Increase physical resilience

Trinicum training recommendation 

1) Muscle building/osteoporosis training: whole body training, vibration plate and impact training
2) Endurance training 
3) Shoulder girdle training: strength building and flexibility 

After a year of training 2-3x per week, positive results in bone augmentation can already be seen. In addition, the training should be maintained, a reduction to 2x a week would be possible. Shoulder stability is expected after about 3 months. 

Objectives of Trinicum Motoric Test:

At the beginning of the training, the initial value in the area of torso stabilization was 65%, which is to be increased to 80%. For the upper extremities, an increase from 43% to 75% is planned.
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Name: Heinz
Age: 54

It’s easier to run the half-marathon now!Training dream
Name: Erni
Age: 75

Fix the shoulder joint and off into the Danube!Training dream
Name: Sandro
Age: 25

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Name: Michaela
Age: 51

Mobile and painless - finally active again!Training dream
Name: Wolfgang
Age: 78

I can harvest vegetables again - crutch free! Training dream
Name: Carlo
Age: 55

Rapid movements are back to normal!Training dream
Name: Annette
Age: 65

I can now last longer thanks to the endurance trainingTraining dream
Name: Hendrik
Age: 31

Now I am the head of my herniated disc!Training dream
Name: Isabel
Age: 40

The cruciate ligament tear is no longer noticeable on the slopes!Training dream
Name: Kurt
Age: 68

My blood pressure is back to normal!Training dream
Name: Judith
Age: 37

Climbing peaks makes me happy again!Training dream
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