

Now I am the head of my herniated disc!

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Training dream
Finally doing a sabbatical and traveling the world
I looked into this training and gave it a try since I want to discover foreign areas of the world as easily as possible. I feel the urge to try something new. I have become more and more lethargic since my herniated disc in the lumbar region. Since deciding for the TRINICUM training my motto is "Get out of the daily grind!" My strong back and abdominal muscles now let me forget about my sorrow. Even laughing with friends without this stinging pain is possible again. In order to avoid surgery in the long run, I have to work on an active balance between tension and relaxation.
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Training plan


Pain in the lumbar spine


Slipped disc in the lumbar spine region
Poor posture

Trinicum Objectives 

Stabilization of the spinal muscles
Strengthening leg, back and abdominal muscles
Improve general resilience

Trinicum training recommendation 

On equipment and free exercises:
1) Torso stabilization training
2) Mobility, coordination, stabilization
3) Endurance training
4) Training of the lower extremities

After a few weeks of training, the pain shall decrease. In order to prevent the symptomes from returning, the training should be maintained. 

Objectives of the Trinicum Motoric Test:

At the beginning of the training, the trunk stability is at 38%. It is required to increase it to 85% for a stronger everyday life. 
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Name: Heinz
Age: 54

It’s easier to run the half-marathon now!Training dream
Name: Erni
Age: 75

Fix the shoulder joint and off into the Danube!Training dream
Name: Sandro
Age: 25

Despite scoliosis, I am juggling plates and cups again!Training dream
Name: Michaela
Age: 51

Mobile and painless - finally active again!Training dream
Name: Nadja
Age: 45

I dare to hold my motorcycle with strength and new courage!Training dream
Name: Wolfgang
Age: 78

I can harvest vegetables again - crutch free! Training dream
Name: Carlo
Age: 55

Rapid movements are back to normal!Training dream
Name: Annette
Age: 65

I can now last longer thanks to the endurance trainingTraining dream
Name: Isabel
Age: 40

The cruciate ligament tear is no longer noticeable on the slopes!Training dream
Name: Kurt
Age: 68

My blood pressure is back to normal!Training dream
Name: Judith
Age: 37

Climbing peaks makes me happy again!Training dream
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