

The cruciate ligament tear is no longer noticeable on the slopes!

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Training dream
Skiing after my accident
Receiving the diagnosis of a cruciate ligament rupture was a real nightmare for me and even to this day I still have a hard time accepting this. Little by little though, the strength in my knees is returning. I am very thankful for the several months of rehab I was able to do at the TRINICUM. I train both the muscles and the involved nervous system in the knees - especially on the labile training matts. The physiotherapists place value on these areas, so that I was able to get back on my skis as fast as possible. My biggest dream now is to ride through the mountains again. 
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Training plan


Cruciate ligament rupture


Loss of strength on the operated leg, would like to reach condition as before surgery

Trinicum Objectives

Improve stamina, strengthen endurance and lower extremities
Strengthening of the trunk muscles
Improve coordination
Increase of sensorimotor activity

Trinicum training recommendation 

1) leg axis training: targeted muscle building of the lower extremities on training equipment 
2) Free-space exercises: muscle building/coordination of the lower extremities
3) Sensorimotor training on various unstable surfaces (Bosu-Ball, Slag-Line, cushions)
It is recommended to train at least for a year before getting back on skis. From physiotherapy to everyday life, it can take about three months. To begin with an intense training, like running, can cause more damage; so it is advised to first engage in light sports activities such as strength training or cycling for about six months.

Objectives of the Trinicum Motoric Test:

An increase of the core stability from 40% to 85% is needed. This is important in order to control the lower extremities well and to minimize any disbalances. After training the value of the lower extremities should be again 80%.

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