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Training dream
Running an frolicking with my dog Finn
Finn is my everything: every time he pushed his cold nose against my hand, I simply melt. Of course, I also give him treats whenever he greets me when I come home from work. We had to pause our frolickling before I started my training at the TRINICUM. Due to my meniscus rupture, I had servere pain and therefore had to treat my leg muscles with care. Since the dysbalance is balanced by training and the legs are strengthened, extensive playing with Finn is possible again. At TRINICUM I have found the support I so desperately needed. My personal workout has been tailored to my strengths and weaknesses. With mobilization, stabilization and strengthening of the knee joint, Finn and I quickly returned to the meadow.
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Training plan


Knee pain


New knee joint due to heavy wear and tear (osteoarthritis)
Imbalance between right and left as well as front and hind muscles

Trinicum Objectives 

Mobilization, stabilization and strengthening of the knee joint or specific musculature and torso
Improve endurance and sensorimotor function

Trinicum training recommendation 

1) Leg axis training: mobilization, coordination, stabilization
2) Training of leg muscles and torso
3) Endurance training
4) Sensomotoric training and unstable training matts
Due to the muscle weakening and dysbalance, it is important to do intensive to train 2-3x intensively muscle development a week during in the first 3 months and to stabilize the leg axis. 

Objectives of the Trinicum Motoric Test:

The areas of strength, coordination and movement in the lower extremities must be increased from the initial value of 53% to 80%. Furthermore, the imbalance shall be reduced from 30% to less than >3%.
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Name: Heinz
Age: 54

It’s easier to run the half-marathon now!Training dream
Name: Erni
Age: 75

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Age: 25

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Age: 51

Mobile and painless - finally active again!Training dream
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Age: 45

I dare to hold my motorcycle with strength and new courage!Training dream
Name: Wolfgang
Age: 78

I can harvest vegetables again - crutch free! Training dream
Name: Annette
Age: 65

I can now last longer thanks to the endurance trainingTraining dream
Name: Hendrik
Age: 31

Now I am the head of my herniated disc!Training dream
Name: Isabel
Age: 40

The cruciate ligament tear is no longer noticeable on the slopes!Training dream
Name: Kurt
Age: 68

My blood pressure is back to normal!Training dream
Name: Judith
Age: 37

Climbing peaks makes me happy again!Training dream
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