

I can now last longer thanks to the endurance training

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Training dream
Playing tag with my grandkids

My grandchildren are my pride and joy, they keep me on my toes - reading aloud, cycling, romping around. This is when I realized that I am not the youngest anymore and the weight on my hips is a hindrance. In order to not suffer from shortness of breath while playing in the garden, I signed up for the TRINICUM training.

There I sit on my bike two to three times a week and train my strength and stamina. The therapists have fully responded to my needs and created a moderate tailor made training plan. In addition to my improved fitness, I now also notice how I can easily hold the four-year-old on my arm and chase after my grandchildren without being completely exhausted.

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Training plan


Shortness of breath 

Medical history

Overweight; BMI 35

Trinicum Objectives 

Improve stamina and thus shortness of breath
Improve strength and strength endurance
Improvement of coordination
Stabilization of the leg axis

Trinicum training recommendation 

1) Cardio training on cardio equipment 
2) moderate strength training and strength endurance on equipment
3) balance and sensory training on different mats 

Moderate endurance training over a period of at least one year is recommended. Within the first three months, the weight shall decrease and the endurance performance shall increase. Also by daily movement the shortness of breath can be counteracted.

Objectives of the Trinicum Motoric Test:

It is important to achieve improvements in all areas when being overweight. It is important to increase the spiroergometry performance from 60% to 90%.
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