Trinicum training dreams
set and achieve goals
with medical fitness


It’s easier to run the half-marathon now!

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Training dream
Stay fit and increase my running-performance
Exercising in your spare time is essential to stay fit and mobile. This is why I’ve already started working out instead of waiting until something unforeseen happens. Sport has always been important to me so giving it up due to physical ailments would be devastating for me. At the TRINICUM I have added strength training to my regular endurance sport to become more efficient at running. Especially stretching and balance exercises fascinate me. I have noticed my mobility increasing and an improvement of the running speed. What I particularly like about the TRINICUM, is the fact that as soon as I feel a pinch somewhere, I can turn around to specialists, who can help me sort the pain.
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Training plan


No complaints
Desire to improve running performance physical wellbeing


Engage in regular physical exercises; especially running
Fitness for performance enhancement and prevention
Pursue hobbies into old age

Trinicum Objectives 

Maintenance and improvement of the current fitness level in the areas of strength, endurance, mobility and balance

Trinicum training recommendation 

1) Strength training on equipment and on the floor
2) Targeted cardio training
3) Mobility training by stretching and mobilization on the floor
4) Balance exercises using matts

A varied training in all areas of 2-3x per week is recommended until further notice. 

Objectives of the Trinicum Motoric Test:

The current values are expected to improve by 15 %. 
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Fix the shoulder joint and off into the Danube!

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Training dream
Swimming up and down the Old Danube in the morning
For me, swimming means being surrounded by water and sliding through a weightless space. Since my accidental fall on my shoulder, swimming was no longer possible. My shoulder is unstable and it can happen that the humeral bone slips out of the joint socket. Since starting the TRINICUM training the pain has become more bearable and being able to swim pain-free through the Old Danube seems within reach. I have no more problems carrying the shopping bags. Since an operation wouldn’t be successful, I strengthen my shoulder muscles and entire back at the Trinicum. I feel that it won’t take long to change from simply bathing to actual endurance swimming.
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Training plan


Shoulder pain


Right shoulder arthroscopy

Trinicum Objectives 

Pain-free mobility in the shoulder
Gain shoulder and arm muscles
Additionally strengthen core, gluteus and leg muscles

Trinicum training recommendation

Flexibility and strength training for the shoulder:
1) Mobilization of the shoulder girdle
2) Strengthening of the rotator cuff, shoulder and arm muscles
3) Strengthening of the upper and lower back
4) Core stability training
5) Coordination and endurance training

An intense training of three times a week ofter the course of 8 weeks is recommended. A combination of flexibility and strengthening of the shoulder girdle becomes important following the intense training. This routine should be followed for at least 6 months freducing the trining to two times aweek. 

Objectives of the Trinicum Motoric Test:

In particular, the upper extremities should be strengthened by this training. The current performance level of 49% will be increased to 75%.
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Despite scoliosis, I am juggling plates and cups again!

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Training dream
Mastering a Standing Workday Without Pain

"Still on the run" - between exciting stories from guests, delicious food from the kitchen and fragrant coffee from the barista: I love my job as a waiter. During my school years, I already started working in a family-owned business and opened a small but fine café while doing my studies at the University of Economics. Back pain and an immobile neck are poisonous for a standing profession. With targeted training at TRINICUM my curvature is stable and strengthened my core and back muscles are strengthened as well. Thankfully, I got to know of the TRINICUM through a guest tip.

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Training plan


Back pain
Neck pain



Trinicum Objectives

Compensation of imbalances and improvement of working posture and mobility 
Strengthening of muscles: leg muscles, core and back muscles

Trinicum training recommendation

1) Strength training: total body strengthening, focusing on core training and lower limbs
2) Posture training: stabilization of the spine
3) Mobility: focus on spine 
3) Climbing therapy

Scoliosis is often diagnosed and treated during childhood. If regular therapy is ceased, physical discomfort may increase. A permanent workout of 2-3x/week is recommended to minimize dysbalances. 

Objectives of the Trinicum Motoric Test:

At the beginning of the training, the core stability was 60%, which will increase to 80%. For the lower extremities, an improvement from 61% to 85% is plovided.
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Mobile and painless - finally active again!

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Training dream
Long hours of creative meetings without pain
I have been pursuing my dream job as a creative designer for 25 years, and I am in contact with many people. I love this just as much as visiting the fair. But in addition to the many external meetings, I spend most of my time in the office. My increasing neck and back pain was unbearable. Regular exercises for abdomen, core and neck at the TRINICUM have improved my posture increasingly. Also, the friendly therapists motivate me to continue working on my mobility.
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Training plan


Neck and back pain


chronic back pain

Trinicum Objectives 

compensation of imbalances and building functional posture competence and mobility 
targeted muscle training: back muscles, abdominal muscles, leg and arm muscles

Trinicum training recommendation 

1) Muscle development: core strength training, lower extremities
2) Posture training: stabilization spine
3) Flexibility training
Our training therapists recommend a regular workout of 2-3x a week over a period of at least 6 months. At around 8 weeks the first successes are noticeable. In order to maintain this condition, training regularly is recommanded.

Objectives of the Trinicum Motoric test:

The trunk stability was 51% at the beginning of the training. It has now increased to 75%. In the lower extremities, the combination of strength, mobility and coordination resulted in a performance of 56%, which also increased to 75%. 
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I dare to hold my motorcycle with strength and new courage!

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Training dream
To ride the Hochalpinstrasse with my motorcycle - just like in my youth!
It is an incredible feeling to accelerate the bike and have this feeling of sanctity. With the beginning of my osteoporosis and the severe shoulder pain, the fear of driving started. It requires a lot of strength to hold the weight of a motorcycle and every slip can become life-threatening. I started to strengthen my whole body at the Trinicum and from week to week I felt more confident to hold the machine again. Thanks to the therapists` tips to train with vibration and impact, my bone growth is already detectable. The next step is to increase my physical condition.

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Training plan


Neck and back pain
Shoulder pain


Flat back thoracic spine

Trinicum Objectives

Strengthen the bone structure through pressure
Body stability training and posture correction for sitting on the motorcycle
Increase physical resilience

Trinicum training recommendation 

1) Muscle building/osteoporosis training: whole body training, vibration plate and impact training
2) Endurance training 
3) Shoulder girdle training: strength building and flexibility 

After a year of training 2-3x per week, positive results in bone augmentation can already be seen. In addition, the training should be maintained, a reduction to 2x a week would be possible. Shoulder stability is expected after about 3 months. 

Objectives of Trinicum Motoric Test:

At the beginning of the training, the initial value in the area of torso stabilization was 65%, which is to be increased to 80%. For the upper extremities, an increase from 43% to 75% is planned.
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I can harvest vegetables again - crutch free!

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Training dream
Sow seeds and harvest fruits independently
Harvesting one’s own cucumbers and snacking some used to be images of better times. As soon as a doctor touched my leg, I was afraid of screaming out loud in pain. After my femoral neck fracture and the replacement of my hip, my doctor recommended I start strengthening my leg and hip muscles. I started with a targeted leg axis and balance training at Trinicum. My deepest wish, to experience the four seasons in my garden, is getting closer day by day.
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Training plan


Hip pain


Femoral neck fracture after fall with necessary hip replacement

Trinicum Objectives 

Flexibility and strenghtening of the leg and hip muscles
Coordination and balance training
Improve physical resilience

Trinicum training recommendation  

On training devices and free exercises:
1) Strength training: trunk and lower extremities
2) Endurance training
3) Leg axis training: coordination of the lower extremities
4) Sensorimotor training
5) Mobility training

It is recommended to train the pelvic stabilizers and both lower limbs after physiotherapy.  This workout should be done over the course of 3 month with 2-3 sessions a week. To avoid imbalances, the status should be maintained and litte by little other areas added. 

Objectives of the Trinicum Motoric Test:

Here, the focus is on improving the test result from lower the strength, coordination and mobility of the lower limb from 37% to >70%.
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Rapid movements are back to normal!

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Training dream
Running an frolicking with my dog Finn
Finn is my everything: every time he pushed his cold nose against my hand, I simply melt. Of course, I also give him treats whenever he greets me when I come home from work. We had to pause our frolickling before I started my training at the TRINICUM. Due to my meniscus rupture, I had servere pain and therefore had to treat my leg muscles with care. Since the dysbalance is balanced by training and the legs are strengthened, extensive playing with Finn is possible again. At TRINICUM I have found the support I so desperately needed. My personal workout has been tailored to my strengths and weaknesses. With mobilization, stabilization and strengthening of the knee joint, Finn and I quickly returned to the meadow.
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Training plan


Knee pain


New knee joint due to heavy wear and tear (osteoarthritis)
Imbalance between right and left as well as front and hind muscles

Trinicum Objectives 

Mobilization, stabilization and strengthening of the knee joint or specific musculature and torso
Improve endurance and sensorimotor function

Trinicum training recommendation 

1) Leg axis training: mobilization, coordination, stabilization
2) Training of leg muscles and torso
3) Endurance training
4) Sensomotoric training and unstable training matts
Due to the muscle weakening and dysbalance, it is important to do intensive to train 2-3x intensively muscle development a week during in the first 3 months and to stabilize the leg axis. 

Objectives of the Trinicum Motoric Test:

The areas of strength, coordination and movement in the lower extremities must be increased from the initial value of 53% to 80%. Furthermore, the imbalance shall be reduced from 30% to less than >3%.
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I can now last longer thanks to the endurance training

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Training dream
Playing tag with my grandkids

My grandchildren are my pride and joy, they keep me on my toes - reading aloud, cycling, romping around. This is when I realized that I am not the youngest anymore and the weight on my hips is a hindrance. In order to not suffer from shortness of breath while playing in the garden, I signed up for the TRINICUM training.

There I sit on my bike two to three times a week and train my strength and stamina. The therapists have fully responded to my needs and created a moderate tailor made training plan. In addition to my improved fitness, I now also notice how I can easily hold the four-year-old on my arm and chase after my grandchildren without being completely exhausted.

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Training plan


Shortness of breath 

Medical history

Overweight; BMI 35

Trinicum Objectives 

Improve stamina and thus shortness of breath
Improve strength and strength endurance
Improvement of coordination
Stabilization of the leg axis

Trinicum training recommendation 

1) Cardio training on cardio equipment 
2) moderate strength training and strength endurance on equipment
3) balance and sensory training on different mats 

Moderate endurance training over a period of at least one year is recommended. Within the first three months, the weight shall decrease and the endurance performance shall increase. Also by daily movement the shortness of breath can be counteracted.

Objectives of the Trinicum Motoric Test:

It is important to achieve improvements in all areas when being overweight. It is important to increase the spiroergometry performance from 60% to 90%.
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Now I am the head of my herniated disc!

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Training dream
Finally doing a sabbatical and traveling the world
I looked into this training and gave it a try since I want to discover foreign areas of the world as easily as possible. I feel the urge to try something new. I have become more and more lethargic since my herniated disc in the lumbar region. Since deciding for the TRINICUM training my motto is "Get out of the daily grind!" My strong back and abdominal muscles now let me forget about my sorrow. Even laughing with friends without this stinging pain is possible again. In order to avoid surgery in the long run, I have to work on an active balance between tension and relaxation.
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Training plan


Pain in the lumbar spine


Slipped disc in the lumbar spine region
Poor posture

Trinicum Objectives 

Stabilization of the spinal muscles
Strengthening leg, back and abdominal muscles
Improve general resilience

Trinicum training recommendation 

On equipment and free exercises:
1) Torso stabilization training
2) Mobility, coordination, stabilization
3) Endurance training
4) Training of the lower extremities

After a few weeks of training, the pain shall decrease. In order to prevent the symptomes from returning, the training should be maintained. 

Objectives of the Trinicum Motoric Test:

At the beginning of the training, the trunk stability is at 38%. It is required to increase it to 85% for a stronger everyday life. 
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The cruciate ligament tear is no longer noticeable on the slopes!

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Training dream
Skiing after my accident
Receiving the diagnosis of a cruciate ligament rupture was a real nightmare for me and even to this day I still have a hard time accepting this. Little by little though, the strength in my knees is returning. I am very thankful for the several months of rehab I was able to do at the TRINICUM. I train both the muscles and the involved nervous system in the knees - especially on the labile training matts. The physiotherapists place value on these areas, so that I was able to get back on my skis as fast as possible. My biggest dream now is to ride through the mountains again. 
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Training plan


Cruciate ligament rupture


Loss of strength on the operated leg, would like to reach condition as before surgery

Trinicum Objectives

Improve stamina, strengthen endurance and lower extremities
Strengthening of the trunk muscles
Improve coordination
Increase of sensorimotor activity

Trinicum training recommendation 

1) leg axis training: targeted muscle building of the lower extremities on training equipment 
2) Free-space exercises: muscle building/coordination of the lower extremities
3) Sensorimotor training on various unstable surfaces (Bosu-Ball, Slag-Line, cushions)
It is recommended to train at least for a year before getting back on skis. From physiotherapy to everyday life, it can take about three months. To begin with an intense training, like running, can cause more damage; so it is advised to first engage in light sports activities such as strength training or cycling for about six months.

Objectives of the Trinicum Motoric Test:

An increase of the core stability from 40% to 85% is needed. This is important in order to control the lower extremities well and to minimize any disbalances. After training the value of the lower extremities should be again 80%.

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My blood pressure is back to normal!

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Training dream
To be as fit as three years ago

In the beginning, we were all very overstrained: neither my family and friends nor I knew excatly what to do after my stroke.

Fortunately, I got the stroke during a family gathering. I was quickly rushed to the Emergency Room where the doctors diagnosed my stroke. At TRINICUM I particularily train the affected legs. With this special heart training I do strength exercises, improve my balance and my endurance.  I can already feel my core becoming more stable. I am happy to have found my motivation to get back to where my body was three years ago. 

My high blood pressure decreases more and more, and I now prefer to do my errands rather by foot than by car. 

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Training plan


getting tired quickly
little strength at the affected area of the lower limb
wants to be as fit as a few years ago 


high blood pressure
Stroke 3 years ago; early and late rehabilitation
has always done sports 

Trinicum Objectives 

Improve stamina and overall muscle mass
targeted but moderate strength training of the lower extremities
Improvement of core stability
improvement of sensorimotor

Trinicum training recommendation 

1) moderate endurance training
2) Training core stability 
3) Strength training of the lower extremities
4) Sensorimotor training with training matts to improve balance

In order to achieve one´s previous fitness level, it is commended to train with an personal trainer once a week. After some time this shall be expanded to twice a week and then again to an independent training of 2-3 times a week over the period of more than a year.

Objectives of the Trinicum Motoric Test:

For fitness status, an increase of 20% should be achieved in all areas.
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Climbing peaks makes me happy again!

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Training dream
With rapid steps uphill again
Those who go to the extreme also live with more risks. As an extreme mountaineer, it is a constant rush to push one`s own limits upwards. The sight of the mountains inspires awe in me. I know that every step a little further up determines my death. The tear in my Achilles tendon was a real defeat. I will never forget the bang. It was important for me to prepare for the next mountain climb directly after the operation. At the Center for Integrative Medicine and Pain Therapy I started with laser therapy to accelerate scar healing and continued muscle building in TRINICUM training. With targeted exercises, I have strengthened my muscles and tendons again, so that today I can once again walk paths that hardly anyone has walked before.
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Training plan


ruptured Achilles tendon
improve postoperative status

Medical history

Loss of strength in the affected leg
general muscle loss

Trinicum goals 

Muscle building of the affected side and specific calf training
Improvement of strength endurance and power of the lower extremity and trunk
Improvement of coordination sensomotoric
Improvement of endurance 

Trinicum training recommendation

1) leg axis training: targeted muscle building of the lower extremity on equipment
2) free-weight exercise: muscle building and coordination of the lower extremity and trunk
3) sensorimotor training on various unstable surfaces (bosu ball, slag line, cushion) 
4) endurance training with the bicycle, later running training 

In order to reach the patient`s goal, the training should be built up carefully and last for about 1 year, so that the body can be loaded 100% again. The first three months strength training of the surrounding structures plus flexibility training is necessary. After that, intensive strengthening of the leg muscles and the rest of the body begins. In the last months, the Achilles tendon can be heavily loaded. 

Goals of the Trinicum motoric test:

Minimizing imbalance as well as building trunk stability and lower extremity strength, coordination and mobility must be increased from 40% to over 80% to achieve the goal.  

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