Tuina Individual treatment options are discussed with our doctors as part of the first treatment and the specific form of treatment that is right for you is selected.
With certain disorders a Tuina massage or Moxa treatment can be precisely combined with acupuncture to increase their efficiency. They can also be successfully used as individual therapies.
Tuina An Mo Massage
Tuina An Mo is a special massage technique that derives from traditional Chinese medicine. It encompasses around 300 different grip techniques and is based on the meridian and acupuncture system.
During Tuina An Mo treatment the muscles, ligaments and tendons are loosened thus removing obstructions in the flow of energy. The method involves first gentle and then stronger pushing of the upper layers of skin against the subcutaneous fatty tissue.
- headaches and back pain
- nervous conditions
- sleep disorders
- states of exhaustion, burn-out syndrome
Tuina & Body Therapy
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