Stem Cell Therapy for Arthrosis

Over one’s life experience, the cartilage layers of the joints wear out causing the joint to lose important cartilage tissue that the body itself cannot replace. This is exactly where the stem cells can act and provide relief for the body.

Stem Cell Therapy for Arthrosis
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What is arthrosis?

Arthrosis usually manifests itself in the form of pain in the joints; pain when starting to move and crunching noises in the moving joints. Generally any joint can be affected by arthrosis but it affects the joints of the fingers, hips, knees and spine.

In the case of severely damaged joints, stem cell therapy can help avoid surgery on the aching joint. Stem cell therapy can also be used in orthopedics, especially for cartilage damage and arthrosis diseases.

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At TRINICUM stem cells are obtained from abdominal fat for this purpose. The stem cells are extracted from the removed fat and inserted into the damaged cartilage by means of injection. This allows the cartilage to rebuild itself, reducing pain and improving cartilage health. However, arthritis is no curable disease but can be treated in such a way that a pain-free and healthy life is possible. 

When is stem cell therapy useful?

Stem Cell Therapy at TrinicumThere are four stages of arthritis and stem cell therapy can be used for all of them. While stem cell therapy is essential for cartilage health and formation in the first two stages, it can minimize pain and be used instead of surgery in the advanced stages. However, the earlier actions are taken, the greater the chances of success are.

It’s also possible to start with physiotherapy at TRINICUM after your operation. This way you can support your cartilage health and make therapy sustainable.

  Stem Cell Therapy
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1030 Wien
Palais Fanto
Tel: +43 1 907 60 30
Mail: office(at)

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