Gastrointestinal Complaints
Due to its regulatory effect, acupuncture is excellently suited for the treatment of chronic gastrointestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome.
Foot Pain
Foot pain frequently occurs from physical stress, yet when resting, burning or stabbing pain can occur.
Knee and Joint Pain
Knee pain frequently stems from stresses like sports or long walking; often, there is a point that is sensitive to the touch. Such pain generally originates from an accident or injury, but can also be caused by wear of the knee joint.
Wrist and Knuckle Pain
Pain in the area of the wrist and knuckles are usually accompanied by severe limitation in the range of motion; frequent causes include tenosynovitis, arthrosis, rheumatism or diseases such as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS).
Elbow Pain
Elbow pain can often be persistent, and is frequently caused by stress, such as overstressing an arm during sports (tennis elbow) or carrying heavy objects.
Pain in the Hip and Groin Area
Hip and groin pain are often described as dully piercing, frequently strongest in the morning and improving with movement and heat.
Back and Lower-Back Pain
Problems in the area of the lower back often manifest themselves as a stabbing or isolated radiating pain.
Chest Pain
Chest pain is often felt as pressure and blockage, as well as trouble breathing. Such pain frequently appears without an organic cause (such as heart or lung disease).
Neck Pain and Tension
Frequently, this type of pain is coupled with a limited range of motion and can radiate from the neck region into the shoulder, arms or head.
There is hardly anyone does not know about headaches and who has not suffered from these occasionally.
But: not every headache is the same.
Mandibular and Facial Pain
Indistinct mandibular and facial pain is often caused by tension or dysfunction of the mandibular and masticatory muscles.