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A healthy diet is a vital requirement for a healthy life. That is why you will find specialist medical and nutritional expertise on the topic of nutrition at the Centre of Integrative Medicine.


The Integrative Appoach

There are a multitude of various nutritional therapies available today.
We try to filter out the most beneficial method for the individual patient in order to achieve better results and long-lasting success (no yo-yo effect). The decisive advantage of the integrative approach lies in the fact that a diagnosis is made in the team, i.e. experts from other fields of medicine are consulted and involved.

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“Prevention is better than cure“ - correct diet helps to prevent illness, to keep you fit longer and to age healthily!

TCM Nutrition

TCM Nutrition

In Chinese medicine nutrition forms an important basis for becoming and staying healthy. Our doctors and therapists are determine and correspondingly evaluate your individual nutrition profile using TCM and modern diagnosis.

Diet Optimisation

Diet Optimisation

The wish to remain physically and mentally fit one‘s whole life long can be favourably influenced by a healthy diet. We can show you how!

Nutrition in the case of illness

Nutrition in the case of illness

If you are ill you must take care what you eat, because the subjectively correct mix of food helps to alleviate complaints or even cure them altogether.

Weight Management

Weight Management

Being overweight burdens your body. Losing weight, achieving your ideal weight and keeping it will prevent illness, relieve the joints and enhance self-confidence.

Intestinal Health

Intestinal Health

Healthy intestine – healthy immune system! We use methods that strengthen your intestinal flora and promote your health.


We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!


Schwarzenbergplatz 6
Entrance Zaunergasse 1-3
1030 Wien
Palais Fanto
Tel: +43 1 907 60 30
Mail: office(at)

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