Healing Massage

This traditional form of massage is especially beneficial for physical complaints, in particular for pain in the spinal region.

Healing Massage
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The healing massage is used specifically for physical complaints, in particular for pain in the spinal region. It also helps in cases of muscle tension arising from one-sided burdening, lack of exercise or poor posture.

The loosening and releasing strokes during the massage stimulate the lymph and metabolic system, a balancing effect is achieved on inner organs indirectly via the muscles (e.g. the abdominal region).

But a massage can also be enjoyed quite simply for relaxation, alleviating stress, harmonisation of energies or invigorating the body.

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Schwarzenbergplatz 6
Entrance Zaunergasse 1-3
1030 Wien
Palais Fanto
Tel: +43 1 907 6030
Mail: service(at)trinicum.com

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