Dr. Johannes Hickelsberger

General pracitioner, Acupuncture and TCM, Microimmunotherapy

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He uses innovative treatments such as orthopaedic magnetic field therapy or high-intensity laser technology. 

A special focus of Dr. Hickelsberger is the complementary therapy of malignant diseases (cancer) by means of  laser therapy, micro immunotherapy, TCM and mistletoe therapy. All complementary forms of therapy are always carried out together with the methods of conventional medicine in order to enable safe, effective, but also gentle therapy.

Dr. Johannes Hickelsberger is speaker at the ÖGKA (Österr. Gesellschaft für Kontrollierte Akupunktur und TCM) and author of books such as Das Dao der Balance Akupunktur, which was published by Springer Verlag 2019.

Medical Information from Dr. Johannes Hickelsberger on the Trinicum Blog

  • Counteracting hypersensitivity with acupuncture
  • Which therapies strengthen the immune system?


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Entrance Zaunergasse 1-3
1030 Wien
Palais Fanto
Tel: +43 1 907 60 30
Mail: office(at)trinicum.com

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