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Chest Pain

Chest pain is often felt as pressure and blockage, as well as trouble breathing. Such pain frequently appears without an organic cause (such as heart or lung disease).

Where do these complaints derive from?

As pain in the chest can be a symptom of disorders of the heart and lungs it always receives particular attention - by both doctors and patients. Although it is not only the heart and lungs that can be the cause, but often also the oesophagus: the reflux of acid gastric content can lead to painful inflammation of the mucosa.

However, thoracic pain often occurs without any organic cause. Disruption in the mobility of vertebrae and ribs as well as certain muscles can cause pain that is very similar to that of organic disorders.


What can one do to help?

TRINICUMThese functional types of pain can usually be greatly improved with functional therapies such as osteopathy and manual medicine. The aim here is to restore the correct interaction of vertebrae, ribs and muscles.

Further improvement can be achieved with acupuncture, because this method that follows the rules of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) can also influence disorders of internal organs.

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Schwarzenbergplatz 6
Entrance Zaunergasse 1-3
1030 Wien
Palais Fanto
Tel: +43 1 907 6030
Mail: service(at)

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