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Our medical health training is designed to support you individually on your way to more health, strength and flexibility and to maintain them.

From now on you can use the Trinicum-Training © Online program free of charge for small training units at home, in the office and on the go. You do not need any special fitness equipment or previous knowledge for these exercises.

Trinicum-Training© what is it about, how does it work? Our intro video explains the concept.

Fit in the office

Fit in the office

Ailments such as tension, muscle loss and joint problems have doubled during the pandemic - with just sixteen minutes of exercise a day you can counteract these complaints.

Exercises for a Strong Back

Exercises for a Strong Back

In this video you can expect exercises that will strengthen your back in the long term.

Exercises for Healthy Knee Joints

Exercises for Healthy Knee Joints

In this video you will learn how you can train your knee joints easily and sustainably at home.

Fascia Training

Fascia Training

With these exercises you can train your fascia at home, in the office or on the go.


We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!


Schwarzenbergplatz 6
Entrance Zaunergasse 1-3
1030 Wien
Palais Fanto
Tel: +43 1 907 6030
Mail: office(at)

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